Most of the rest of our rules could easily fall under this one. Go and read through the community's Core Values page. It's very important that you read and understand this page before participating on the ProfoundBond discord server or in any of our events.
This server is a place to make friends, not enemies. We can discuss and disagree civilly. If you can't you will be asked to take a step back. If you keep going you will receive a warning. This applies to all channels and all server run events.
The mods are here to keep this community enjoyable for all members. If a mod asks you to move channels, cease certain behaviors, etc. please do so politely. Arguing excessively with mods, backseat modding, and rule lawyering will result in a warning.
We understand that sometimes members and mods don't see eye to eye. However, blocking the mods makes it so we cannot do our jobs here. If you have an issue with a mod please contact one of the admins.
You must be 18 years old to participate here regardless of the age of majority in your country. If you're found to be under 18 you will be kicked from the server and won't be allowed back until your 18th birthday. Please be honest.
If you don't know the source and want to post, you may ask for assistance in the #lost-and-found channel. We have some amazing sleuths on the server. Unsourced art may not be posted in other channels until the source link has been found.
Art and writing created by artificial intelligence (AI) are not allowed anywhere on server, including the #fanart and #fic-recs channels. AI generators are trained on creative material scraped without credit or the permission of creators. They inherently violate our requirements that all art (and other attributable creative material) be sourced. AI-generated works are acceptable in the #hell channel only if they are clearly indicated as AI-generated and appropriate for that channel (i.e. shitposting).
Please refer to the full channel guide. Each room also has room descriptions and pins which you should read. If you start to go off-topic please redirect the conversation to the appropriate channel.
Despite this being an 18+ server, the main areas of the ProfoundBond are SFW. A dirty joke here and there is fine, explicit descriptions of sexual acts or NSFW images are not. Extra Crunchy is our NSFW section of the server. It requires the kinky role to access.
There are a few select channels outside the Extra Crunchy category where explicit content is allowed with spoiler bars. Those channels, and the reasons for those channels being the exception, are as follows:
As always, all spoiler bars in any channel require a content warning outside the spoiler bar (eg. “CW: explicit").
Please keep in mind that ProfoundBond is a public server with over two thousand members when seeking help with art or fics you're creating for outside events. If it's against the rules of said event to share your unrevealed artwork or writing publicly then that rule applies here. When in doubt, you should ask the mods of the event in question if you can ask for help or share WIPs here.
Explicit/detailed discussion of real-world abuse, suicidal ideation, abuse against minors, and other such heavy topics are not permitted anywhere on server. Permissible level of detail is subject to mod discretion and handled on a case-by-case basis.
No account sharing. No use of multiple accounts without mod permission.
All images of non-server people or screenshots of off-server chats can only be shared with consent from involved parties.
References to off server drama are not permitted. This includes not naming specific parties/peoples involved in said drama.
No brigading requests. (brigading: getting a group of people together to attack something/someone else)
Discussion of the movie Karla is not permitted.
Discussion of Travis Aaron Wade is not permitted.
When discussing omegaverse or ‘alpha/beta/omega dynamics’, please use a/b/o or a.b.o, as the unseparated letters are a slur in Australia. Regardless of your location, we have a large Australian user base and they deserve a safe environment free of words used as hate speech.
Do not use asterisks to ‘censor’ words. Do not spoil single words. All spoiler bars must be accompanied by a content warning detailing what is being hidden by the spoiler bar.
When sharing an excerpt from a fic, please share a link to said fic.
Credit rules do not apply to photo manips, gifs, or emoji, however credit rules do apply to internet comics (regardless of signatures and recognizable art style).
No selfies in the Extra Crunchy (NSFW) section of the server. No suggestive, explicit, or nude selfies anywhere on the server.
No kids on camera or voice chat. Please use headphones if you are participating in voice chat with a minor present in the room.
Do not use terms (eg. ‘twink’) to describe people (especially server members and actors) that they don’t ascribe to.
Do not press other members about their assigned gender at birth, race, disability status, etc.